We write conservation grants for our 18 county area. We do workshops on Conservation Practices. Implement watershed Better Management Practices.
The Appling County Public Library, located in Baxley, Georgia, is a member of the Okefenokee Regional Library System.
The Appling County Food Bank is a nonprofit organization and is open to serve those in need on Tuesday, Wednesday, & Friday. Sign-in begins at 10:00 a.m. and distribution begins at 11:00 a.m.
The Baxley - Appling County Board of Tourism hosts events to promote Baxley and Appling County. Visit our website to learn more.
Tri-County CASA, Inc. recruits, screens, trains and supervises volunteers who provide advocacy for innocent children of abuse and neglect.
The 24/7 House Residential Alcohol and Drug Recovery Residence program is an in depth journey of self, and healing from the life-crippling effects of the disease of addiction.
We are a non profit organization that assists victims of domestic violence and their children to a fresh start in life!
Printed courtesy of www.baxley.org/ – Contact the Baxley-Appling County Chamber of Commerce for more information.
305 West Parker Street, Baxley, GA 31513 – (912) 367-7731 – chamberdirector@baxley.org