We do carpets, rugs, pet stains, hardwood floors, waxing floors, and tile floors. We aim to please is a stain comes back through call us to retreat stain for removal. Just notify us and we will return
Trinity Electrical Services provides businesses with a wide variety of electrical, lighting and construction expertise for any type of project.
Paving and site development contractor located in Baxley, GA.
M & S Steel Inc. is a General Contracting and Maintenance Service Corporation registered in the states of Georgia and Florida.
Southeastern System Technologies is engaged in the business of providing a comprehensive line of Fire Alarm, Intrusion, M.A.T.V., C.C.T.V., Nurse Call, Intercom, Telephone, Master Clock, Structured Ca
Restoring older metal/Tar/TPO etc. roofs instead of replacing them.
Printed courtesy of www.baxley.org/ – Contact the Baxley-Appling County Chamber of Commerce for more information.
305 West Parker Street, Baxley, GA 31513 – (912) 367-7731 – chamberdirector@baxley.org