Appling County Farm Bureau

Insurance Agents
8:00am-5:00pm Monday-Friday
Closed Saturday-Sunday
Driving Directions:
1782 MLK Ave., Baxley, Georgia 31513
About Us
By insuring with Georgia Farm Bureau, you are supporting farmers and ensuring that our growing world has a safe and abundant food supply. Together with our members, we support farm families, locally grown food, and faithful stewardship of the land. But, we offer more than just farm insurance. We provide coverage for virtually every line of insurance in the state. In addition to our own products, your local Georgia Farm Bureau agent has strategic partnerships with the finest insurance providers in the industry. When you partner with us, we’ve got you covered!
- We boast competitive rates, responsive claims service, discounts, and accident forgiveness.
- We combine great coverage, competitive rates, and superior knowledge to make buying home insurance simple.
- When you team with us for your farm insurance needs, you can create a custom insurance package that covers what you need
- Our goal is that you feel confident about your policy and at peace with whatever the future may hold.